How To Install OS Into Hitachi Compute Blade 2000 Server

The amazing machine that I was ever handle before is that Hitachi Blade Server Compute 2000. It's a big mainframe and you can put 8 computer blade into single chasis. This machine very rere not comon on the Infrasturcure field. But to be honest this machine is very high performance and realy good to run heavy task and you need heavy electrical too.

The first time I was deal with this machine kind of confuse how to manage that. This is kind of EOS (End of sales) machine by hitachi since 2014, you may be a little dealing with dificulty to get support for this machine. Not comon and you litle dificult to ask at forum. But actualy if you an IT guy you should be able to handle that by your hand right :)

By the way inside the machine is also installed switch which is also can create virtual switch inside. I don't realy understand about that because it's critical production server to doing trial and error. but realy it's manageble switch even you can run BGP inside the switch. Because it's layer 3 switch inside!

Fist you can login into blade to check the LPAR, because at the moment I using LPAR to break our blade into 2 logical compute.

We are going to install LPAR 1 which is DRC-EML

The interesting thing with most server is has their own remote KVM so you don't need to coming inside server room and install monitor, keyboard, and mouse to doing installation or maintenance. We can use remote KVM on hitachi instead. HP coming with ILO, Dell coming with iDRAC and Fujitsu coming with iRMC then I don't know what is hitachi called this feature :v
Here how to console Hitachi Compute Blade HCB 2000

Back to the web console and Launch Remote Console screen

The java file will be downloaded into your computer and runt it!

Restart the VM and login to VM BIOS settings, on telnet session select reactivate

Console will bring you into bios setup. You can install from ISO files, CDROM on your remote laptop, flashdisk, or IMG files.

Select your iso files

Config BIOS boot sequence

Select USB

Commit changes and exit

Back to change boot order

Change the LAN to first order

Commit change and exit

Back and continue booting

Installing windows on progress

You must be have a long time to wait this process. It’s take long time proccess then the other. After 1 hours

Here we go!

Hope this thing is usefull for all of you guys. I know your difficulty :v

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