VMWare Workstation Player / Pro Too many socket connect attempts; giving up.

I accidentally upgrading the vmware player to vmware pro. I mean i wanna install the vmware player and vmware pro simultaneously but when I install vmware pro it's will automatically upgraded the vmware player and changed to vmware workstation pro.

And luckily the vm files not being removed when I remove the vmware worktation pro. and I try to install new vmware player and I try to start the vm but error appears :

Since I using the vmware player to run my GNS3 project and labs so I'm affraid that my GNS3 not working. That the reason why I uninstalling the vmware pro and back to vmware player.

and I found the solution hope work for you if you facing same issue with me :
open the command prompt run as administrator
and type the following command to start some part of vmware player services :
net start vmx86
netstart hcmon
net start vmauthdservice
Then back to your vm and start it 

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